Steven Hoffman's daughter Romi Laine sent me these lovely photos of her wedding to James Edward Bohn. Romi and I are great-great-great grandchildren of Charles Pearl. His son was Julius (Yidel) Pearl. Julius' son was Samuel Pearl who married Bertha Gottlieb. Their children were Ada (my grandmother), Charlotte (Romi's grandmother), Mortimer and Eugene.
Romi and James:
Romi and Steven Hoffman:
Steven's daughters Brielle and Romi with their cousin Hayley Bonica D'Amico:
Charles and Mollie Kessler, Yetta Kessler Rosenberg's parents (my great-great-grandparents), circa 1880?
Wedding party of Eugene and Rae Pearl. Left to right: Lorelei Rosenberg, Jacob Hoffman, Charlotte Pearl Hoffman, Bertha Pearl, Eugene Pearl, Rae Pearl, Mortimer Pearl, Ada Pearl Rosenberg, Isaac Rosenberg, Robert Rosenberg.
This blog is a photo album for the Rosenberg, Gastman, Pearl, Hoffman and related families. I have many more photos that I will be posting (in no particular order) so please check back or subscribe for updates. If you have photos to share please scan at 75dpi and email to me and I will add them. I hope all family members will dig around and find some old photos to share. All the photos posted here are available at 300dpi for printing. Please contact me and I will email you the high-resolution images. THANKS, -Alan.