Sunday, February 15, 2009

Melissa and Steven Rosenberg

Steven Thomas Rosenberg and Melissa Joanne Barrett, married on August 10th 2003 on Shelter Island, NY.

Lorelei and Maurice Gastman

Wedding of Lorelei Charlotte Rosenberg and Maurice Allan Gastman, May 31st 1948, at the Pierre Hotel, New York City.

Robert and Lisa Rosenberg

My parents at their wedding party in New York City which followed their marriage in Mount Tremper, NY, on November 7th 1964.

Lisa-Clerc Stokes and Robert Rosenberg:
Lisa and Robert:
Bertha Pearl, Robert and Lisa:

Romi Laine

Steven Hoffman's daughter Romi Laine sent me these lovely photos of her wedding to James Edward Bohn. Romi and I are great-great-great grandchildren of Charles Pearl. His son was Julius (Yidel) Pearl. Julius' son was Samuel Pearl who married Bertha Gottlieb. Their children were Ada (my grandmother), Charlotte (Romi's grandmother), Mortimer and Eugene.

Romi and James:

Romi and Steven Hoffman:

Steven's daughters Brielle and Romi with their cousin Hayley Bonica D'Amico:

Karen Bonica and Steven Hoffman:

Romi and James: